Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Building A Successful Mobile Campaign

Mobile Video Consumption

Boosting your brand and increasing sales in today's world requires reaching  people on the go, especially the 18 to 34 year-old crowd. On average, 98% of millennials report using their smartphone to watch video content, and they are much more engaged via mobile than when watching the same content at home on TV. [caption id="attachment_4955" align="alignright" width="300"]Building A Successful Mobile Campaign Pexels / Pixabay[/caption] One element is that when individuals are out and about, they are usually watching video for a specific purpose, such as searching for information on a local business or learning more about a subject they are excited about. If they come across your video when searching, you have to grab their attention quickly. That is why the creation of bumper ads are catching on.  These short six-second ads are great for driving brand awareness, but you have to master the art of micro-moment experiences. You can check out our blog titled What Is A Bumper Ad in this recent post. Building a successful mobile campaign requires a well-rounded marketing strategy using a variety of mediums, with video at the top of the list. No matter the mode, though, you have to provide meaningful, helpful content that your viewers will want to share and then revisit your site to learn more. One of the first keys to setting up a profitable marketing plan is understanding your target audience:
Understanding your audience is the first step to any marketing strategy, and buyer personas are a valuable tool to aid in that understanding. Buyer personas are simply fictional representations of your various types of customers. Create a profile that describes each one’s background, job description, main sources of information, goals, challenges, preferred type of content, objections, and/or role in the purchase process. It is easier to determine a channel and voice for your marketing messages when you have a clear picture of your target audience. Make a specific point to detail your target audience’s mobile habits as well. How much of their web usage happens on mobile devices? Are they comfortable completing a purchase on a smartphone? A simple way to start is to research big data reports on mobile usage. Read more here:  What is Mobile Marketing? Overview & Resources

Tug At Their Emotions

Emotions play a huge part in consumer behavior, so using humor, joy, shock and awe are especially effective with creating a catchy video. Video creators are masterful at utilizing words, music, and captivating visuals to help trigger your emotions. Check out these ten popular video marketing campaigns that went viral, and they all used emotions to make it happen:

Practical Video Content

Helping people figure out the solution to a problem is another important way to reach your audience. That is why "how to" and "tips for" are searched so regularly. Many people are visual learners and that makes watching how to do something much easier. In fact, Hubspot.com says that four times as many customers would prefer to watch a video about a product, rather than read about it. The amount of time spent on mobile is somewhat mind boggling. When you consider that many people don't even use a desktop or laptop computer any longer, but instead do most of their work on their smartphone or tablet, it makes you realize the the phrase "mobile friendly" isn't a suggestion...it's a necessity. If you want to see this in real time, just to give you the full impact of the urgency for a mobile marketing campaign, click here:   Infographic via https://playmobi.co.uk/ Get your mobile game strategy in gear and reach out and touch someone! It's not just the future of marketing...it's what is happening right now.  If you need assistance with your online exposure, give our digital marketing experts in Denver a call. (303) 800-6866

The following article Building A Successful Mobile Campaign is courtesy of www.ssprosvcs.com

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